Creating a micro-site targeted towards pandemic relief


Lead designer


Web Design, UX/UI
Built on Cargo Collective


Created at Atlanta History Center


Safe + Cultured ATL is a dedicated micro-site highlighting collaborative efforts among Atlanta's cultural institutions to address the challenges brought about by the pandemic.


No final results have been tested for this project. However, all partners were provided with the site URL to share with their guests. Given the temporary and cost-effective nature of this effort, testing was not prioritized.

Regarding the Atlanta History Center, I had hoped to advocate for investing in testing, such as tracking click-through rates from monthly newsletters or social media platforms. During my tenure, AHC was actively building its public presence, and understanding where engagement was highest would have been beneficial.


Throughout the pandemic, the Atlanta History Center and other cultural destinations in Atlanta worked tirelessly to ensure a safe experience for guests once institutions were permitted to reopen to the public.

Atlanta boasts numerous cultural attractions throughout the city, all of which were deeply committed to delivering exceptional experiences once it became safe to reopen during the pandemic. However, clarity was lacking regarding which institutions were actively prioritizing the safety and needs of their guests. Following several strategy meetings with stakeholders, it was concluded that the most effective solution was to create a micro-site detailing all participating partners.


Considering the transient nature of the pandemic's effect on business operations, a long-term website is excessive.

Given the temporary nature of the pandemic's impact on business operations, a long-term website is redundant.

Detailed COVID relief efforts are not needed, as specific relief initiatives will be outlined on each partner's individual website and on-site.

Research & Analysis

  • A user-friendly interface that is straightforward and concise.
  • An introduction providing a clear overview of the website's purpose.
  • Featured partners with clickable logos linking to their respective websites.
  • Detailed descriptions outlining the relief efforts.

Given the brief lifespan of the live website, Atlanta History Center aimed to minimize hosting expenses. This approach is typical for a non-profit institution, particularly a history museum dependent on grants and donations rather than ticket sales for operational funding. Given the institution's slow decision-making process, I took full responsibility for researching website hosting options and platforms that would meet the requirements of the micro-site.


Since the request was minimal, there was no need to develop, prototype, and test various wireframes. In an effort to streamline and economize resources for the business, I opted to swiftly explore several professional website building platforms that would meet stakeholder requirements. This approach led to identifying the most cost-effective platform with a straightforward template that could be easily repurposed.

Platform Research

Cargo Collective

  • Responsive, customizable templates
  • Live assistance chat
  • Domain registration and management
  • $14/month = $168 total cost


  • Responsive, customizable templates
  • Mobile-optimized website
  • Free custom domain
  • $16/month = $192 total cost


  • Responsive, customizable templates
  • Free hosting
  • Google analytics, GTM, advanced SEO
  • Free .xyz domain— .com domain purchased separately
  • $13.50/month = $162 total cost + cost of domain

Based on these features, Cargo Collective was the best solution.

Development & Implementation


UI Elements

To maintain alignment with the branding of Atlanta History Center while upholding a neutral tone in both color and messaging, I opted to utilize typography from Cargo Collective that mirrors the serif and sans serif styles (Chronicle Display + Gotham) commonly found in AHC-designed materials.


This wireframe was built in Figma before creating the entire website directly in the Cargo Collective platform.


To streamline the design process, I leveraged Cargo Collective's resources and selected templates that could be easily adjusted to match the Figma wireframe on the left.

Following an internal review by participating stakeholders, minimal feedback was provided due to the simplicity of the design, resulting in few adjustments to implement.


Cargo Collective templates

Final product




Final product

— This website is now offline. —

As depicted in the hero video, I opted for the Cargo Collective template featuring a cover image. I incorporated a subtle yet impactful scroll interaction to enhance the user experience.

To ensure consistency across all participating institutions, all lockups were converted to white, establishing equity among them.

© 2024
